A cartoon picture can portray anything from something funny, all the way to something starkingly serious. The way the picture is drawn and colored can great affect the feel that is given off, much like with any other artistic form. While cartoons have long been thought to be an immature art form, the fact is that it is maturing all of the time. New styles are always coming up, as well as subject matter. The kiddy cartoons of years past are being replaced with more mature and artfully drawn mediums. Not many would have given a cartoon picture even a second glance a few decades ago. There were not many out that were especially visually appealing as the medium was rather new, and the technology available at the time didn't lend any help to cartoon artists. Around the mid 1990's Japanese animation started to really boom in the United States, which brought a whole new level of awareness of cartoons in general. Before the Japanese animation boom, American animation had been crude at ...